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Are you Looking for Sponsorship Consultants in Dublin?

Daragh Persse

Do you wish to get more out of one of your companies’ primary sponsors? Are you in the market for professional sponsorship consultants in Dublin? We at The Brand Fans are dedicated to helping you - why not get in touch now, and see what we have to offer? In the modern age, sponsorships can play a large part in the success of a business; for one thing, it can be an exceptional way to gain exposure to demographics that may have previously eluded you. However, it is key that your business establishes a good relationship with your chosen sponsor, and ensure that it is a mutually beneficial relationship. This is where we here at The Brand Fans are able to assist you - we are a premier supplier of sponsorship consultants in Dublin. The way in which we do this is via a model that we have created, known as SPi or Sponsorship Performance and Impact. Our customers can utilise this to evaluate the health and impact that a particular sponsorship deal has had, either in relation to the brand in general, or specific rights holders. If you desire to learn more regarding this model, and how you can use it to your advantage, we have compiled the finer details and explained them in a helpful video, which you can view here. In our years of operation, we have been able to assist a variety of high-profile brands to get the most out of sponsorship deals. The Brand Fans are privileged to have done business with high-street names such as Barclays and Virgin Media; for a comprehensive list of previous clients, we invite you to read our dedicated page on our website. We hope that this will help you to come to the realisation that we are the premier sponsorship consultants in Dublin. Alongside our ability to provide our customers with an unrivalled service when it comes to being sponsorship consultants in Dublin, we are constantly striving to deliver an exceptional level of customer service. The age-old adage surround the customer always being correct, is something that we at The Brand Fans constantly have in mind, and this is what is the driving force behind endeavouring to improve the relationship between ourselves and our clients. To this end, we believe it is important to have various avenues through which we can be contacted via. For those who prefer to utilise written methods of communication, we have two options: you can either send us an email directly at, or submit to us your contact details, coupled with a short message outlining your requirements, via the enquiry form situated on our website’s contact page. We are also happy to discuss any queries you may have regarding our services in a more informal environment - for this, simply give us a call on +353 87 123 22 44.



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